Food & drinks

Restaurant Gift Card

Give a Restaurant Cadeaukaart worth 10,00.

For more information about the Restaurant Cadeaukaart and an overview of all participating restaurants please visit

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RestaurantCadeau can be used at more than 2500 restaurants in the Netherlands. Restaurants such as Humphrey's, Délifrance and The Harbour Club are happy to welcome you. With over 2500 of the best restaurants, you'll always find a restaurant nearby. With the menu of RestaurantCadeau you can enjoy a nice cup of coffee and cake to a delicious lunch or a tasty dinner!

Practical information

The Restaurant Gift Card is valid for 2 years after receipt. The balance of the Restaurant Gift Card can be spent in several instalments. Any residual value of the credit can be used for a subsequent visit to one of the participating restaurants. For more information about Restaurant Gift Card and an overview of all participating restaurants click here.

Important to know! Before you make a reservation at a restaurant, first inquire whether the restaurant in question accepts a digital restaurant card. See also the information about this on the website of restaurant gift card. Some restaurants deviate from this.

Please note: you cannot return or cancel ordered gift vouchers. No right of withdrawal applies (see general terms and conditions, article 10.6). 


What do you need to do?

You will receive a Restaurant Gift Card by email within 48 hours (if the order was placed on a Monday to Friday until approximately 2pm). If the order is placed on Friday afternoon until Sunday evening, this can take up to 72 hours. You can use the Restaurant Gift Card as a means of payment at one of the over 2,500 restaurants that accept the Restaurant Gift Card.

Note! It is not possible to redeem your Pluim at the restaurant! Use your Restaurant Gift Card as a method of payment

Benefits of Pluimen

  • Easy to redeem
  • Shipping costs included
  • Over 2000 leisure activities
  • Quick delivery